These are all the movies and series that Filipe has reviewed. Read more at: Always Good Movies.
Number of movie reviews: 2034 / 2034
There is hardly any aspect to be learned from this plausible exercise... Review
Mr. Fukada keeps us entangled in a web of emotions, revelations, and startles, that pushes his film beyond the surface. Review
This dramatic and satirical action-packed adventure aims at animal exploitation, rapaciousness, media attention, and consumerism with a critical eye. Review
The story proceeds with logic and some emotional bait. Review
A valid tale of perseverance, passion, and courage. Review
Thrives with steeped emotional affluence and gripping performances. Review
Reached me in the way it treats camaraderie, personal growth, and family ties with sagacious integrity. Review
Bestows this in-your-face authenticity that keeps us interested. The social realism conveyed here is not new, though... Review
An uncomplicated combination of ludicrousness, depression, and cynicism. Review
Develops with confidence toward a conclusion that brims with hope, resignation, and finally acceptance. Review
Packed with ironic scenes accurately framed by cinematographer Maurizio Calvesi... Review
You may think of it as if “Hunt for the Wilderpeople” were transformed into a road-trip... Review
I’ve never found that miraculous spark that captivates, intrigues, and impels us to care about the characters... Review
Although better than the previous three, still struggles with stereotypes and unevenness. Review
Every scene was carefully weighed and measured to look as realistic as possible... Review
Looking and feeling like a true independent film, it was a shame that it felt so uneven and limited in thrills along the way. Review
A tale of rebellion, ambition, perseverance, and forgiveness, told with a Scandinavian tranquility and sustained by a top-quality performance by Lene Cecilia Sparrok. Review
I didn’t give my time as wasted and even discovered a few hilarities among its never static imbroglios. Review
There is no heart and even less soul in this mish-mashed lackluster film... Review
The surreal occurrences get you baffled and alert, and yet the film never pays you back. Review
Alongside the eccentric imagery, the superior narrative flow is never ambiguous but persistently fascinating. Review
A tolerable exercise that shows Shortland’s potentialities in a genre she’s probing for the very first time. Review
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