Dit zijn alle films en series die George heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Maddwolf.
Aantal filmrecensies: 738 / 738
Does offer plenty to like but little of it can match the style or the vibe of the original. Recensie
Broaching a variety of relevant social concerns without ever raising its voice, yet cutting so deeply you may not get out of the theater with dry eyes. Recensie
Wins you over with pure “are you not entertained?” tenacity. Recensie
An emotional ride, a thorough and respectful take on a mysterious, superstar life. Recensie
Has an unassuming vibe that is infectious fun, and the perfect palate cleanser before another bite of Thanos. Recensie
For those enthralled by such things (my hand is up) it might as well be mountain porn, questioning our fascination even as it’s feeding it. Recensie
Basketball fans will appreciate a few self-aware inside gags, but with the novelty of the superstar-in-disguise long gone, Uncle Drew feels like little more than the corporate branding love child of Pepsi and Nike. Recensie
Its power comes from its intimacy, getting just close enough to a mysterious, fascinating figure without disrespecting that figure’s commitment to mystery. Recensie
Stays funny and hip throughout, pausing just long enough to reflect on friendship and adulthood without getting sappy. Recensie
Ranks as one of the best Pixar sequels, even with all it leaves on the table. Recensie
Getting the competing themes to work in unison is no easy feat, and this latest film version is a well-intentioned testament to that very challenge. Recensie
The film’s tale is truly compelling, and it does deliver satisfying stretches while staying cautious of any narrative risks that might seem disrespectful. Recensie
Weisz, McAdams are Nivola are all wonderful, crafting resonant characters as Lelio slowly builds the drama of a conflicting, scandalous triangle. Recensie
Book Club can’t dig any more than surface deep, and even with all this talent, it never shows the confidence in character that elevates Meyers’s best. Recensie
Sneaky in the ways it touches you. Light and breezy on the outside, it’s a film with a joyful heart that can’t be denied. Recensie
There’s enough brash boundary pushing to make Tully feel like a film we haven’t seen before, and one we’re glad that’s here. Recensie
Through Foxtrot, Maoz and his stellar performers are speaking with a stylish and bittersweet elegance. Listen. Recensie
T offers a rich cinematic experience, with a filmmaker and actor working in glorious tandem to soak each frame with meaning. Recensie
The verdict is pretty simple: if you liked the first one, you’ll like Super Troopers 2. Recensie
The pace may seem achingly slow at times, the message a tad too manufactured at others, but Pfeiffer is always there to keep your attention from wandering. Recensie
Yes, the points come on a bit strong time and again, but the cast (especially Mann) keeps it lively and relatable. Recensie
Hardly wanders beyond the Going in Style end of the pool. Recensie
It’s contrived and obvious at nearly every turn... Recensie
The actors pose more than they move, and even the cheapest of attempts at emotional manipulation seem too much for this film to handle. Recensie
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