Dit zijn alle films en series die Shannon heeft gerecenseerd.
Aantal filmrecensies: 316 / 316
I thought the looks of the creatures were very inventive, and I actually had many strange dreams for like a week after watching this movie.
Little Women was a great movie to watch, I enjoyed watching the March sisters live their lives to their own tunes and to make choices based on their hearts and not what their Great Aunt told them they should be doing.
I thought it was an overall fun movie to watch, regardless of the sad aspects that were happening during those bad times.
I thought the acting in this film was great. Scarlett and Adam brought so much emotion to the screen.
Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood, from what I can tell, has no plot.
I give 2/5 stars just because of the actors, but I would never watch this again nor would I recommend it to people who like to watch movies for the entertainment.
I give 3/5 stars for the great acting and the interesting concepts, but it wasn't able to hold my full attention.
As for the movie, I thought it was well done. The acting was good and I liked the story line in general.
I wouldn’t go out on a limb to say that I liked this movie, but it wasn’t terrible.
It’s so unbelievably adorable that I just want to watch it again and again.
Again, this movie it obviously low budget indie horror film, with acting that’s not the greatest. I felt like it was a waste of time and I wish I hadn’t watched it.
As far as superhero movies go, I think this one is pretty good for an animated one. They are able to really bring to the screen action packed scenes full of tension.
Though this movie is obviously geared towards the younger crowd, I found myself giggling at the little lines meant for the adults as well as the lines meant for the children.
I loved the science fiction aspect of it and all the interactions the main characters had with some of the infected.
It’s fun, action packed, and just enjoyable to watch.
It was full of thrills and the known music from all the Halloween movies.
It’s not something I would recommend, but I only slightly felt like it was a waste of time.
I can’t say I loved this movie by any means, but it was full of action and explosions.
It all sounds interesting and exciting on paper, especially from a family film sense, but this movie wasn’t the greatest thing I’ve seen.
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