These are all the movies and series that The Massie Twins has reviewed. Read more at: Gone With The Twins.
Number of movie reviews: 1319 / 1319
The dialogue is also superb, bringing these relatable characters and their grounded situations an extraordinary sense of authenticity and hilarity – even when they’re caught in awkward moments that could only ever happen in the movies. Review
In the end, the drama is poignant, the comedy scenarios are effective, and the romance airy (if totally farfetched); it’s not exceptional, but it’s thoroughly entertaining. Review
It could all have been more effective if it was either much severer or much sillier. At least the music is snazzy and chirpy. Review
With its undivided focus, it perfects the art of gossipy exchanges and fragile romances... Review
Although the scope is small and the personas largely disagreeable, the performances are outstanding. Review
The concepts are mostly universal, even if this is a rare setting for teenage anguish (with uncommon directness toward sexual topics), but the overall appeal is limited. Review
Davis is exceptional, taking on a sympathetic My Fair Lady sort of role, but with decidedly more authenticity. She lends a convincing gravity to this battle of wills, this contest of liberation from a poisonous matriarch. Review
Even the eerie electronic tonalities in the soundtrack can’t sustain potential thrills. It doesn’t help that suspense here is incredibly rare. But a sense of wonder does arise from vast subterraneous sets housing ancient extraterrestrial architecture, as well as from the eventual mystery of an invisible, murderous entity. Review
Soylent Green extrapolates authentic socioeconomic woes into believable outcomes, exacerbated by despair and atheistic tendencies. Review
But even as the story reveals shortcomings, Hepburn remains enthralling... Review
The combination of gaslighting and fear is quite unsettling, along with the fact that the audience knows of Webb’s crafty deceit, creating a shortage of heroism and an abundance of villainy. Review
Although this is one of Laurel and Hardy’s simpler pictures, based mostly in a single room, the slapstick is exceptionally diverting and destructive. Review
Unlike in some of their other shorts, Busy Bodies allows the lead duo to be the only source of humor. Review
From falling down stairs to stumbling through rooms to breaking all sorts of household items, the physical comedy is key. Review
In the end, the antics don’t amount to much, nor are any of them particularly memorable yet the scatterbrained humor is trusty Marx Brothers material. Review
The story drags in a couple of spots, but the acting remains precise and convincing, while the finale ramps up the tension by creating near-misses, excellent cover-ups, and encroaching lawmen... Review
The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother is stuffed with considerable amounts of nonsense. Yet it’s nevertheless enjoyable, very funny at times, immoderately stupid at others, and impressive considering that Wilder not only starred in it, but also wrote and directed it as well. Review
Being There progresses with a certain slowness, but it’s difficult to be displeased with any sequence in which Sellers is onscreen. Review
It’s an amusing finale, but the lead-up isn’t nearly as enticing. Review
The film is very much a demonstration of the legal process, scrutinizing the way the system is unfairly harsh on the poor (and unaccommodating for the innocent), taking on a documentary feel from time to time. Review
There’s death, blackmail, a police investigation, a stunning blonde, and plenty of noirish silhouettes and shadows, but director Alfred Hitchcock’s signature suspense isn’t as abundant. Review
Deadly scenarios are made innocuous by hollow solutions and aggravating slowness; no one behaves as if their life is at stake, instead opting to make levity-filled remarks or stand around dumbfounded as terror strikes. Review
The paranoia and suspense are exceptional, the location imparts unique chills, the notion of Ruth’s isolation and aloneness are frightening, and the finale is exhilarating. Review
It’s mostly formulaic and a touch too long, but it’s still engaging; the audience is in the dark as much as the newspapermen, which makes every fresh piece of information exciting. Review
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