These are all the movies and series that The Massie Twins has reviewed. Read more at: Gone With The Twins.
Number of movie reviews: 1274 / 1274
Audiences of the era may have been fascinated to see the inner workings of the upper crust – and perhaps overjoyed at their steadily deteriorating lives and relatable frailties – but these are painfully dull, generic ordeals. Review
Sadly, however, the visuals can’t compose the movie alone. Review
Doctor Sleep works best as a separate entity with its own distinct tone and purpose, nodding to “The Shining” but existing largely as an independent work. Review
The enigma is strung along until the very end, morphing into something along the lines of a self-fulfilling prophecy; but every ounce of creativity is met with an equal serving of disappointing nebulousness. Review
Occasionally, however, it’s all so stupid that it’s either laugh-out-loud funny or borderline boring. Review
Unlike in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, this sixth entry doesn’t even possess a single set piece worthy of revisiting. And when a Terminator film doesn’t have awe-inspiring action, it really doesn’t have anything at all. Review
Fled may be derivative of too many other properties to keep track of (the dialogue certainly doesn’t provide anything original), but it’s nevertheless consistently watchable (further aided by an escalating series of nonsensical set pieces and a laughably unofficial resolution). Review
Interludes of seriousness transcend Jojo Rabbit from mere laugh-out-loud funny send-up to a masterpiece of human nature, indoctrination, loss, love, and emotional resonance. Review
The action is amusing, the humor is consistent, and the pacing is efficient; it’s not exactly original anymore, nor is it high art, but it remains completely enjoyable. Review
There’s just nothing special about this world, its populace, or the brand of fantasy surrounding them, resulting in a feeling of nonchalance concerning the additional two hours spent focusing on their customs and origins and plights; it’s not unwatchable, but it’s far from entertaining. Review
Even when interactions remain low-key, Shaft’s screen presence and larger-than-life attitude are enough to spice things up. Review
Smith and Winstead make an amusing team during the action scenes, but little else can be taken seriously enough for this to succeed as an A-list thriller. Review
Tone-Deaf continually ignores opportunities for logical explanations, defaulting on a blame game between baby boomers and millennials as a reason for a literal clash and showdown in a haunted mansion. Review
Filling in the gaps are bits of slapstick, comic montages, and a light love triangle. The predicaments are insincere, the supporting roles are insignificant, and the premise is flimsy; yet Elvira is an entirely watchable character, merging gothic titillation and a killer figure with bad puns and nods to iconic movies. Review
Similarly, there’s no flair in the filmmaking itself; the progression of the plot is formulaic and conventional, bounding along with predictable music and montages. It may be based on real people, but creative exaggerations appear tragically underused. Review
Yet Joker’s boldness and originality, particularly in the realm of comic book character adaptations, doesn’t always translate into entertainment value. Apart from Phoenix’s unforgettable turn, the film is unrelentingly unsettling. Review
It’s an ambitious undertaking for first-time director Ridley Scott, whose burgeoning filmmaking styles are evident even in this early effort. Review
While maintaining propriety and composure, there’s plenty of subtle humor to highlight the feigning of such attributes. Review
Newcomer Jones is convincing, the supporting players are strong, and the premise is thought-provoking. Still, the production values and the cast can’t save the film from its withering length as it chronicles numerous endeavors with fleeting verve. Review
It’s definitely not intelligent, but the catastrophic machismo is mind-numbingly action-packed. Review
Deadlier Than the Male is unable to craft an identity of its own; it routinely feels like a cheap copycat (or, in its shoddier moments, a parody), brimming with poor recreations of familiar gimmicks. Review
The pacing is too meditative for the bursts of action; and the plot isn’t wild enough to make those moments seem fitting. Nevertheless, Pitt gives a striking performance, while thought-provoking ideas abound. Review
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