Dit zijn alle films en series die The Massie Twins heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Gone With The Twins.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1319 / 1319
Instead, it feels confused, unfocused, and unsatisfying – perhaps a result of studio meddling and the director’s waning visionariness. Recensie
The Master of Suspense may prefer to manipulate his viewers, but he’s not so ruthless as to deprive them of a supremely satisfying finale. Recensie
His brand of monster is nuanced, unique, and highly cinematic. Recensie
May be low budget and devoid of stars, but the music by Edward Bilous is rather rousing, if a touch overdramatic. Recensie
It’s a fascinating study of crime and consequences, of love and fatalism, even if the parting shots are contrived and rushed – but also perversely poetic and redemptive. Recensie
By the end of this bloated, small-town crime saga, a few moderate (and guessable) surprises turn up, but they’re not shocking or severe enough to warrant such a long, meandering theatrical adaptation. Recensie
It may betray its genre intentions, but it’s nevertheless well-acted and routinely entertaining. Recensie
The central romance becomes a slight perversion on the love stories in Gone with the Wind and Wuthering Heights and Jezebel, yet with a hint of redemption that isn’t the least bit believable – and a climax that nods to Casablanca but lacks the sensibility and sentimentality. Recensie
Nicely complementing the violence is a pervasive tongue-in-cheek vibe. Recensie
Amid the haunted-house jump scares and the graphic violence, decent bits of humor work their way into the picture. Recensie
Surely one of the cleverest of the musical comedies of the ’30s, as well as, arguably, Astaire and Rogers’ greatest collaboration. Recensie
As a ripped-from-the-headlines police procedural, Frenzy is above average. But it’s somewhat lacking for Hitchcock, despite its fascinating deviations from his usual projects... Recensie
It’s original, confounding, and profound, though it culminates in an ending capable of exasperating half of its viewers, while giving the other half a glimmer of hope. Recensie
Actually could have been a touch longer, to detail a bit more of the characters’ predicaments, yet its fast pace, coupled with its use of history as an intermittent backdrop to love, is strangely, hauntingly unique. Recensie
Here, the thrills can never really be described as larger-than-life characters engaging in heroic undertakings; this world is dark, gritty, brutal, and unforgiving – yet uncommonly absorbing. Recensie
By the end, it doesn’t feel like a complete film, but it’s nonetheless effective, thought-provoking, and sweet. Recensie
The camaraderie, humor, and bittersweetness of the finale can’t overcome the strangeness of Lee’s fate, which doesn’t feel like fitting justice. Recensie
As insightful as it is colorful, and as cinematically entertaining as it is provocative. Recensie
It may not be a nail-biter, but the subject matter is educational, captivating, and entertaining. Recensie
This lack of verve carries over to the musical numbers as well, which can’t manage to replicate the catchiness of those written for the original. Recensie
One meaningless battle after another assaults the senses, until even the action sequences appear dull. And with such one-note characters, none of the adventure, destruction, romance, or peril have any impact. Recensie
The two leads are quite impressive, managing to overcome the limitations of their largely stock roles to create a warmth and an energy not often found in such softball approaches to periods of historical despair. Recensie
The love story itself is the highlight, boasting a rawness and realism, smartly designed amid the alternating fantasy and horror of a carefree past and a forbidding future. Recensie
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