Dit zijn alle films en series die Bob heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: One Mann's Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 920 / 920
The movie is simply pitch-perfect in viewing Buddy’s confusion in moving from his idyllic childhood into the harsher realities of life in a tumultuous time and place in history. Branagh’s script sizzles with authenticity and contains the perfect balance of touching and laugh-out-loud moments. Recensie
Although I’m not a great horror fan, I thought this one was great fun. I had a goofy grin on my face for most of the running time. Recensie
It was a dreary rainy Tuesday night and the movie filled a need for a cosy night at the cinema. It wasn’t terrible. But it won’t win any awards either. Recensie
A rip-roaring ‘boys-own’ adventure, wrapped around real historical events in the 1910’s, this was a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be. Recensie
I can normally look for at least some good in any movie. But this one was really a waste of celluloid. Recensie
The stellar cast all give it their all (although I personally didn’t think that DiCaprio is quite as adept at this type of comedy as the other cast members). Recensie
As a musical, it’s glorious to look at with great songs and spectacular, colourful dance numbers. And at times the virtuosity of the Spielberg/Kaminski combination makes some of the scenes simply soar. But did it fully absorb me for the whole of its nearly 160-minutes run time? No, not quite. Recensie
This was a genuine surprise of a movie for me. I thought it was moving, delightful, engaging, well-made and had great tunes. Highly recommended. Recensie
Just writing out the “Plot Summary” above made me gasp again at the crassness of this movie. It’s just so utterly nonsensical and distateful. Recensie
It’s popcorn nonsense. It won’t win any major awards. But it is extremely well done. I enjoyed it a lot. Recensie
A wonderfully entertaining Christmas blockbuster that is just the shot in the arm (no, not that sort) that the movie business needed. Great fun, and highly recommended. Recensie
And it has its moments for sure. But this is not a movie that I will be in a hurry to revisit, since the accents and some of the performances are not ones that I thought worthy of the potential that the movie had. Recensie
Kids who’ve had the original two films foisted on them by dewy-eyed parents/grandparents of a certain age will no doubt love this one, focusing as it does on more of a teen demographic that they can relate to. And it’s perfectly watchable. But it really didn’t set my movie world on fire the way that I hoped it might. Recensie
It’s the acting and the cinematography that sets this apart for me. Although it had its irritations, I found this to be a beautiful and engaging watch. The story is perhaps a tad predictable. But overall this is a nicely crafted and thought-provoking film that gets a thumbs up from me. Recensie
Most Marvel movies I will happily rewatch when they come on the box, but this one I’m not sure I’d have the strength to sit through again. Recensie
I really wasn’t expecting much from this, but I was pleasantly surprised. It’s a movie that has some memorable moments. At nearly 140 minutes I felt it outstayed its welcome by about 20 minutes. But otherwise I’d recommend you give it a try. Recensie
Thought-provoking and a memorable movie experience. Well recommended, if you’re willing to be challenged by a film. Recensie
The trailer promised a lot, but the movie delivered very little for me. It just all felt to me like an affront to the memory of Diana. Recensie
Highly recommended, if you are content to stomach some violent (and quite disturbing) horror imagery. Recensie
Sometimes a little movie appears that surprises and delights you, and this was one of those for me. It’s not big and it’s not clever. But it is very nicely made, thoroughly entertained me and was – for me – way better than its source movie. Recensie
This is a movie that MUST be seen on the big screen. It’s a memorable movie experience and highly recommended. Recensie
You’ll already judge from my balance of comments that this one just didn’t work for me. Even as a “park your brain at the door” action movie, I thought it felt lazy and lacklustre. Recensie
This is Ridley Scott back on top form again. I found this a gripping watch. Recensie
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