These are all the movies and series that Bob has reviewed. Read more at: One Mann's Movies.
Number of movie reviews: 915 / 915
As an adult, there wasn’t enough clever dialogue (e.g. ‘over the kid’s heads’ double entendres) to really entertain me. Review
Criticism that it is a “rinse and repeat” of the first film are not very fair, in my opinion: the story evolves in a different direction and becomes more personal and relationship based, which is a good thing. And I personally don’t think you can justifiably give an epic movie that looks THIS good on the big screen and deploys such fabulous technical film-making prowess less than 3 stars. Review
I know a lot of people love this film. And I thought it was OK, having its fun (albeit exceedingly grisly) moments. But I must admit to having come out disappointed. This was another case for me where the premise of the film, however sick, had great promise but the execution fell short of that potential. Review
I enjoyed this one a lot. I thought the fantasy elements were well done and the musical numbers extremely catchy and well-danced. It’s good and proper that it is an adjunct to, rather than a replacement of, the stage musical. But it succeeded in making me want to plan a trip up to London to see the show. Review
It did have its bumpy moments. But Spirited had a much improved second half. It grew on me, increasing from a 3* to a 3.5* by its uplifting end. Review
I really enjoyed this one. It had a gripping story, a solid script and a fine ensemble cast. Review
A disappointment. I saw this as the second in a double bill with Glass Onion, so perhaps my adrenaline from that film influenced my enjoyment of this one. Or maybe its just that Luca Guadagnino and I just don’t get on? Review
This is a terrifically enjoyable romp, with a fabulous ensemble cast and a wickedly clever and funny script. You even get the Beatles titular track over the end titles. What’s not to love? Review
It’s another example of an attempt to dredge up new superhero characters from a franchise (in this case DC) to try to reinvigorate their market. And, with the draw of Dwayne Johnson it kinda works. Review
The Menu is a delicious black comedy that delightfully skewers the pretentiousness of fine dining. Review
From our afternoon showing, in a smaller, but almost fully packed, screen, this seems to be getting a lot of attention from the “silver haired” brigade. And it deserves that success. Life is for living. Review
This is at least a good Marvel film. Even with its extensive running time, it kept me engaged (albeit a bit fidgety at times). Review
This tries for drama and comedy, but doesn’t really succeed in nailing either. It is certainly not an uplifting movie to get you in the Christmas spirit, so don’t put it on thinking it will be! Review
It passes the time, but it’s far from a 5-star classic for me... Review
It’s a quirky and interesting biopic of someone I knew nothing about. But while beautifully crafted, it doesn’t leave you feeling uplifted. Review
This documentary shows some of that but also a softer side of a man maturing with age and life’s brickbats. But this is an intriguing documentary and a recommended watch... Review
I love a film you enjoy that you had no expectations of. And this was one: a little gem of a thriller, well scripted and well cast with Rylance on top form. Review
Lame, shallow and unthrilling action horror. It’s pretty amazing that this (just) made its $12m budget back. I think they have a lot to thank Ms. Armstrong and that poster for. Review
It’s a bit of a horror-lite classic, and still manages to pack an entertaining punch. Review
What a marvellous film The Banshees of Inisherin is. Funny, poignant, intelligent, beautiful, Shakespearean and at times gut-wrenching. This is a film made by a true master of his craft. Review
I very rarely go below 2*s for a movie but this one I thought was a real stinker. What a sad way for a franchise to bow out. I really hope they ARE serious and this is the final film in the franchise. Review
As a Bond fan, and in particular as a fan of Bond music, I loved this one. The content is very enjoyable indeed. But as a definitive documentary on the music of Bond it is a missed opportunity. Review
A superb cinematic experience, I simply loved this one. Emma Mackey is utterly mesmerising and if there isn’t Oscar buzz for her for this performance then there bloody well should be! Comes with a strong recommendation. Review
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