Dit zijn alle films en series die Ruth heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: FlixChatter.
Aantal filmrecensies: 617 / 617
Despite my quibbles, Magpie is a watchable and thought-provoking thriller that makes for a juicy conversation after you watch it. Recensie
This film is the kind of uplifting and inspiring film guaranteed to have you both in tears and cheering at the same time. Recensie
It’s illuminating and heartfelt but also entertaining thanks to his golden voice and timeless songs that will be remembered long after he’s gone. Recensie
A Little Family Drama is family-friendly, mixing together all the family-related themes to explore trust, tradition, empathy, and acceptance. Recensie
The film looks regal and expensive, with top-notch production design, costumes, sound design, and score. I was in awe by its stunning cinematography by Stephane Fontaine... Recensie
I had a lot of fun with Saturday Night. It’s a wild, roller-coaster ride from start to finish, though the frenetic pace can be a bit tough to follow, especially for someone who’s not terribly familiar with the inner workings of the show. Recensie
Pugh and Garfield are the special sauce that somehow made the film a somewhat delectable concoction, despite the vanilla story all scrambled together. Recensie
The Outrun is one of this year’s hidden gems and a lyrical story of redemption. It’s a beautiful film inside and out, as it tells a deeply personal and moving tale that showcases the resilience of the human spirit. Recensie
Despite the somber themes, however, Super/Man manages to be an uplifting film. Recensie
The documentary is engaging throughout even for someone who never watched the Disney Channel or Nickelodeon, and the interviews were well-staged. Recensie
Philippe Lacôte uses practically every noir trope in his storytelling, relying on voice-over narration that feels more clichéd as the movie progresses. At least the Greek scenery makes it a pretty worthwhile watch. Recensie
Clooney and Pitt didn’t exactly stretch their acting muscles, pretty much just coasting on their charm. Recensie
While I find myself shaking my head, chuckling, rolling my eyes while watching this, I can’t get it out of my head and I find myself thinking about it afterward. Recensie
Casting aside, I think the weakest link here is the script, credited to Liz Hannah, John Collee, and Marion Hume. It’s undoubtedly a challenge to fit all of Lee’s incredible life into just a 2-hour movie, but a solid script should still be able to provide a pretty comprehensive look at her journey. Recensie
A Different Man is a peculiar, at times hilarious film that pushes back against society’s standards of beauty. Part dark-comedy, sci-fi, body horror, even romance, it’s a movie that won’t fit neatly into any one genre. Recensie
The Critic is mildly enjoyable but it leaves me wanting. Recensie
A slow-burn adrenaline-fueled thriller that dives into the deep-rooted injustices in small-town America, packed with righteous anger and nail-biting suspense. Recensie
Ultimately, Dr. Wang’s amazing true story shines through, even if the storytelling feels a bit safe and bland. Recensie
I was swept up in the beguiling world of La Chimera. The quirky characters, the raw beauty of Southern Tuscany, and most of all, the nature of grief itself which is both haunting and thought-provoking. Recensie
While I think The Maltese Falcon is solid, it didn’t blow me away. Recensie
Jokes aside, it’s a refreshingly frank celebration of female friendships navigating through life’s big changes. Recensie
There are so many music biopics out there, but this one is an entertaining one that transports you to the 80s and offers a potent cautionary tale about the tempting nature of fame. Recensie
This type of story could have easily been a corny and irritating film, but Wang’s earnest direction and wit make Didi a touching and insightful coming-of-age story. Recensie
The movie lacks the edge-of-your-seat thrills and pulsating intrigue needed to leave a lasting impression. Recensie
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