Dit zijn alle films en series die Jeremie heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Cinema Smack.
Aantal filmrecensies: 460 / 460
The Assistant is a courageous piece of cinema strengthened by a bold performance by Julia Garner. What it may lack in classic moviemaking magic, it makes up for in raising much needed awareness. Recensie
Trapped is a very good short film. The simple approach gives it an identity while the look and feel of the film give it a professional quality. Recensie
Abe comes with a recommendation as an entertaining, family friendly food movie. Yes, there’s more to it than that with its ideas of acceptance and compromise but the film is at its best when it’s focused on being fun. Recensie
As the debut feature from director Andrew Patterson and with a script from first time screenwriters James Montague and Craig W. Sanger, The Vast of Night has no business being this good and this creative. This is the type of film that something like J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 wishes it could’ve been. Recensie
There’s really nothing new or groundbreaking about the story they’re trying to tell. Yet, it’s all done with expert proficiency. Recensie
Chusy’s It All Begins With a Song is outstanding. Even with a large focus on country music given its Nashville setting, music lovers of all kinds should appreciate the candid depiction of the music business in the city. Recensie
With Roses for Ms. Jacobs, Legel and Aguila craft a tender, yet distressing, tale that will remind those in pain that they are never alone. Recensie
Along with a profoundly brutal story, elegant camerawork, hallucinatory imagery, and striking usage of color make Possessor an atmospheric nightmare of a film. Recensie
There’s something here with Union Bridge but, overall, writer/director Brian Levin just can’t seem to pull it all together into one cohesive narrative. Recensie
For the spectacle and mystery, Capone is worth a watch. However, for those looking for a career defining biopic on the real Al Capone, you’re much better off looking elsewhere. Recensie
With Wastelands, Kemal Yildirim proves his capabilities as a visual filmmaker once again. He has a distinctly melancholy quality to his work and it really suits the stories that he wants to tell. Recensie
Bolstered by great performances and a satisfyingly uncomfortable story, Mirabella-Davis showcases his talents as a filmmaker with a beautifully shot film. Recensie
As a brief twelve minute film about friends getting together, Rooftops still should resonate with people despite some of its issues. Recensie
South Mountain is still a very, very strong piece of indie cinema from Hilary Brougher. It’s relatable on all levels and has a cast of characters that you legitimately care for. Recensie
While it’s probably going to remind a lot of viewers of Hereditary, there’s enough intrigue and solid storytelling here for the film to find its fan base on home media. Recensie
From the intriguing storytelling and characters all the way to being filmed in one continuous take, Justin Taite’s The Awful Kind is a short film that everyone should check out. Recensie
Softness of Bodies is a tough film to rank as it’s really going to resonate with some viewers and not at all with others. Recensie
Blow the Man Down is a wonderful small town, crime drama, comedy flick. When it’s funny, it’s funny. Then, when it needs to be serious, the film does that too. Recensie
While Out of Boredom isn’t going to wow anyone with a riveting plot or technical prowess, it’s a rock solid short that won’t have you regretting the time you spend on it. Recensie
Even though it’s understandable to question some of the tactics and intentions of the advocates in this documentary, Planting Earth Week still opens up a lot of reasonable discussion. Recensie
Sokolov exhausts ever possible camera angle and shot over the film’s runtime and constantly comes up with interesting ways to keep the story going visually. We also have to praise the music from Vadim QP and Sergey Solovyov which spans countless genres and perfectly fits every scene with catchy themes and emotion. Recensie
Mendiboure shows his keen eye for filmmaking and oodles of talent as a visual storyteller. Recensie
Pedro C. Alonso pulls out all the stops and crafts a tension filled piece of dramatic cinema. Recensie
As is the case with all films, Brawl in Cell Block 99 isn’t perfect. Though, it comes pretty close in our estimation. Recensie
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