These are all the movies and series that The Massie Twins has reviewed. Read more at: Gone With The Twins.
Number of movie reviews: 1319 / 1319
Mostly awkward, uncomfortable, and too severe to be enjoyable. Review
Certainly effective as a softcore midnight movie. Review
It’s all utterly enthralling and hilarious – in a demented, gruesome, aberrant, twisted sort of way. Review
The few highlights aren’t enough to distinguish it from the practically innumerable entries into the Marvel Cinematic Universe... Review
Overdramatic, highly unrealistic scenarios... Review
The filmmakers found a cast of very convincing, skillful child actors, who exhibit a spectacular screen chemistry... Review
Makes for an interesting companion piece to the previous year’s Sunset Boulevard... Review
But the ideas nicely expand upon those seen in the previous two chapters. Review
A fitting close to the series, and more entertaining than it should have been... Review
It may not have the polish of a more resourceful production, but it’s nevertheless a whole lot of fun. Review
Becomes an excruciating exercise in waiting for the next death or shot of gratuitous nudity... Review
The film insists upon transforming into a high-octane actioner that dispenses with all rationality. Review
The film is thoroughly entertaining – a quality unhindered by its low budget and lack of A-list stars. Review
This mostly ignored work is unable to maintain suspense, even with sequences of death and destruction. Review
Enough effort is given to fleshing out the main protagonists that the audience can empathize with their not-so-realistic plight. Review
The action is also nice to break up the expected plot complications... Review
Without genuine suspense or actual nudity, Hot Blooded is about as pointless as they come. Review
The outcome is entertaining, even if it gets progressively dopier as it nears the finale. Review
It’s slow, unfunny, unexciting, and somewhat unfamiliar... Review
As a Star Trek adventure, it’s an utter failure; but as a bit of laughable lunacy, it’s thoroughly entertaining. Review
The sci-fi themes are just as esoteric as before, but the sense of adventure has vanished. Review
Expands upon an already released episode to cater significantly to longtime fans. Review
A must-see short, as dour as it is hilarious, expertly mining pathos and awe from the preposterous and the imaginative alike. Review
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